Monday 5 November 2012

"Sad, mad, and bad" "couple of hags" see Brian Coleman plead 'not guilty' to criminal assault charge


"Sad, mad, and bad" "couple of hags" see Brian Coleman plead 'not guilty' to criminal assault charge 

It's no longer possible to refer to Brian Coleman as 'Tory' Councillor since his suspension from the Conservative Party last week, so Barnet Councillor, Brian Coleman, 51, appeared in Court this morning facing the criminal charge of 'assault with beating' as well as a dangerous driving offence. He pleaded not guilty to both.

The last-minute change of venue from Hendon Magistrates' Court to Uxbridge failed to deter interested Barnet residents from attending the hearing. There is a history of uncontrolled, angry public outbursts from Coleman against local residents, this one at a council meeting in September: It's worth noting that also last week, a pivotal week in Coleman's career (see my blog of 3/11/12), he metaphorically jumped into bed with the women by strongly denouncing in the press the controversial One Barnet outsourcing scheme to which they objected, claiming that it should be "ditched".

The case will be heard in the first week of February.  There's a lot to happen before then starting with tomorrow night, Tuesday, 6 November when at a full Council meeting, 6pm at the Town Hall, Coleman could be stripped of his Chairship of the Budget Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Will I still be able to refer to him in my February blog as [Barnet Councillor] Brian Coleman?

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