Friday, 28 November 2014
Anna Earnshaw (Commercial Director of Capita): if you are reading this then please note what life is really like in the hell that is Capita Barnet.
Last week my Council iPad was taken away by IT support and "reconfigured", and yesterday afternoon at 3pm it was returned to me with my emails and texts working for the first time for weeks and I took it out to a meeting and used it and in that short time began to think fondly of it and appreciate its worth.
Today? No texts. No email. "The connection to the server failed" (one of Capita's fave generic messages since IT was rolled out to councillors at the beginning of June, the server apparently being in Spring Park Exchange which could be anywhere in the world.
To do my job as a councillor I need a phone to make and receive calls and a laptop on which to write documents. Both need to receive emails and hopefully to synch. And I need a printer. And perhaps this is the moment to remind us all that Capita claim, and they claim loudly, that they are experts at providing IT services as they do about call centre services.
What did councillors received from Capita after the elections 6 months ago, and I'm talking about new councillors who were the first to be supplied with IT equipment by Capita? We got one piece of equipment only - an iPad on which we couldn't make or receive phone calls or type documents. There was no Word app only a very primitive application called "Pages" which meant that we could not produce documents or read or open Word documents that were emailed to us. We were promised Word within a month, but we still don't have it. But not to worry. Emails didn't work in any case for some time. The server was moved out of Barnet to another location, didn't work and had to be moved back.
Capita's failures can have serious consequences on residents' lives. My first casework was for a family who came to see me within days of being evicted from their home and their children taken into care. They were a warm, loving family and the children were smiling and happy unaware of what might lie ahead. It was a Saturday and there was nothing I could do until Monday morning, but during the weekend I took advice and obtained the contact details I required. Unfortunately it meant my having to ring Barnet Council.
I had direct line numbers but repeatedly got the standard: "You have dialled incorrectly, please try again", in other words all the lines are busy. (Capita cut the number of lines by 25% when they took over the service.) I was trying to get through to Barnet Homes so I Googled to see if there were alternative numbers. I tried them all including the 24 hour emergency number for residents. All numbers were "incorrect'!! I didn't want to email because I wanted to speak as soon as possible and in any case my email was only working sporadically and I couldn't be sure that a message would get through. After about three hours I tried the main switchboard of the Council again and got through and was told by a very friendly operator that the dialled incorrectly message just meant that all the lines were busy. I asked why the message didn't say "all the lines are busy" and the operator replied that it did seem silly, didn't it? She also added what so many operators have said to me on so many calls over so many months, that they were having problems with the lines that day.
I had finally got through to Barnet Homes and they were helpful as ever and gave me the contact who would be able to deal with the eviction. Another helpful person said he would send me the necessary referral form to complete and return as soon as possible and he would deal with everything immediately and do everything he could help with the family. All good, you'd think. But you might have forgotten that I was having to rely on Capita. The form arrived by the end of the afternoon but I couldn't open it. It was in Word and I had no word on my iPad. I forwarded the form to my personal laptop but because it was not possible to open it on my iPad it would not open. I tried to print the form unopened so that I could fill it in and scan it back on to the Council laptop. No luck. I couldn't ring the office until the next morning. I rang and asked if I could come down to wherever they were and complete the form but they emailed it to my personal email. By then more than a day in addition to the weekend had been wasted. Time was short but everything was set in motion and proceeded no thanks to Capita.
From the beginning, posing as IT experts, Capita misjudged what equipment would be appropriate for our job, in fact they got it entirely wrong. And they considerably underestimated how long it would take to set up the Council's IT on the server and moved the IT staff together with its Project Manager to another job much too soon. After a while - it was weeks - I was contacted by phone (my personal mobile) by a very helpful IT person who talked me through setting up my iPad and it actually logged in. I asked for his contact details so I could contact this great person again. "Oh, I'm a contractor. I'm only here temporarily to help sort things out so you'd better contact your usual support team if you need help." So here were extra costs. And just a minor error, but another extra expense and a careless error, we were all given covers for our iPads that were the wrong size. Replacements were ordered, expensive leather ones, but I found it was unusable so I bought myself a decent, simple one for £10 that works. And all this additional equipment and contractors means additional expense to us due to Capita's incompetence.
Then I was told that if I wanted one I could have a phone but I had to ask for one. I hurried to do so knowing that other councillors who were not new had Blackberries. But when I received my phone it was not a smart phone, but a primitive fin-de-siecle Argos bargain basement model that had no facility for emails, internet, etc. I continued to use my own phone. Then I was told I could have a blackberry and a laptop if I asked for them. I asked for them and they arrived. More equipment, more cost.
Have you spotted anything wrong? I now have an iPad, a Blackberry and a PC laptop. What I needed was an iphone and an apple lap top - compatible, right for the job, and would synch perfectly. The iPad is a very cool adjunct but not essential. I get a good deal with Apple as an individual customer: free phone, unlimited free national calls, mobile calls, unlimited texts, so I'm sure a deal could have been negotiated for free phones and a good deal for 60 people. It has all been such a mess. And what is more, I can't remember a time when the phone, iPad and laptop have worked at the same time. If on one day I can somehow access my Council emails and contacts I feel pretty lucky. My laptop necessitated a home visit yet again last week. That means staying in and taking a couple of hours out of the day.
If we got service like this in our personal lives we would blow the company out of the water. There can be no excuse, though there are plenty from Capita, for this sort of dire performance. Tory Barnet is run from anywhere but Barnet with profits for Capita a priority and a cheap and nasty service to its residents and workers while costing us fortune.
Friday, 14 November 2014
Capita 999: We aim to fail: Capita claims 92% of Barnet targets met
Read by
Anna Earnshaw, Commercial Director of Capita
Capita 999: We aim to fail: Capita claims 92% of Barnet targets met
Barnet's Performance and Contract Management Committee met on Tuesday, 11 November. I was on the Committee that night and on the Agenda was Capita's performance report on their phone lines. Capita Commercial Director, Anna Earnshaw, who announced that she reads my blog, said she regretted my experiences, but that they must be very rare. She spoke of Capita's achievements: 92% of their targets met, 23 out of the 25 performance targets achieved (Capita's own figures), and that only two indicators had missed the target: one being a decrease of calls answered by the contact centre within 20 seconds from 78.48% to 78.1% increasing the gap from the 80% target (that's 20% accepted failure by the way).Chris Naylor, Barnet's Chief Operating Officer, backed her up: "I'm confident that we've got the right arrangement in place". This was after I had given him several examples of my own bad experiences and those of others. He came up with the same old excuses: inherited problems, teething troubles. He seemed to have overlooked that Capita's inheritance included an extra 25% of lines they have since discarded to cut their costs.
When my future trip to Coventry was mentioned, the Chair of the Committee, Tory Cllr Anthony Finn, perked up and in the voice of an indulgent grandfather offering a treat proposed that a mini-bus should be hired for a trip to Coventry for everyone to have a lovely day out. But then he confessed, though in the voice of one who wasn't that worried about it and felt reassured that it would all come right in the end, that he, too, had had problems phoning the Council, and had found that even when operators answered in good time, he often didn't get put through to the person he wanted as there was a lack of knowledge of the identity of staff and what services were offered by different departments. Thank goodness. At last Capita might stop treating me as if I had been the unlucky victim of a rare bad experience and a bit of a complainer. The old teething problems excuse emerged again together with the assurance that everything was in hand and being dealt with. It was a question of training and there were two dedicated staff who listened to recordings of calls to identify problems. Well whatever they are doing it isn't working.
This meeting was on 11
November. Back on 13 January, nearly a
year ago, at a similar meeting, Tory Cllr Brian Salinger, a man who speaks his
mind, complained about the lack of knowledge of the operators at the call
centre. He had asked to be put through
to the Leader's office. The operator had no idea what he was talking
about. Cllr Salinger said it was a
matter of training. So what has happened
over the past year with training and monitoring? Absolutely nothing. The faults are the same, as are the excuses. Performance is failing but Capita are unable
to come up with a cure. They claim to be the experts but serve us like incompetent amateurs,
taking pots of our money while deserving only their already well-earned
epithet, Crapita.
Naylor then moved into smoke and
mirror mode to divert our attention from the 'f'-word: failure. It's not the operators
who are at fault, but when they transfer calls to the relevant people (does
this really ever happen?) those people might have stepped out of their office and
may not have switched on their answering machines so their phone would be bound to ring
unanswered. This, he claimed, must be rectified. No, I said, that has nothing to do with it.
The telephone operators have no idea who anyone is or which department does
what. This is the problem, always has been, and undoubtedly if they haven't
been able to sort it out for a year, always will be.
As the redoubtable Mr Reasonable
asked in a recent tweet: "Why are Barnet
Conservatives happy to tolerate such dismal performance?" And why indeed
are they? But then it always comes back
to the question of why they tied us into the Capita contract for ten years in the first place
knowing of Capita's disastrous record and that there were no guarantees of
saving money. It hasn't
taken long to reveal itself as the disaster it is, but not to worry, only 9
years to go if the option isn't taken up to extend for a further five. Will Capita be in existence that long? Will
the London Borough of Barnet survive after Capita has had its way with it?
Monday, 10 November 2014
Capita 999: Capita is fiddling while Barnet burns: We can't get through
Another blog from La Bloggeuse
and read by Anna Earnshaw, Commercial Director, Capita
and read by Anna Earnshaw, Commercial Director, Capita
All is changed, changed utterly, A terrible Barnet is born
Capita 999: Capita is fiddling while Barnet burns
We can't get through.....
To phone the main switchboard of Barnet
Council you dial 020 8359 2000. The
calls are answered in a Capita call centre in Coventry. A few days after I made
the call which is the subject of my last two blogs and now in the middle of an
overblown, box-ticking investigation, I had reason to phone the Council again. I needed to get through to the IT support for
Councillors extension which was on the contacts of my Capita phone that wasn't
working. A bit like when your Broadband
goes down and you are told on the phone that you can fix things by going to
their website, when your problem is that you can't access the internet. I couldn't conjure up the extension number in
my mind though it had been necessary to ring it many times to report one IT
problem after another. But you get to
the point when the constant problems and breakdowns just wear you down, you can
no longer be bothered to spend endless time on reporting, waiting in for someone
to come and fix things only for things to break down again. But it got to the stage when it was impossible
for me to do any work that involved the Capita Council IT system. So I dialed the main switchboard to get
through to the extension and once again met with a service that is not fit for
purpose, that is failing the people of Barnet.
The call was answered speedily enough and
politely. I asked to be put through to
the extension for IT support for Councillors.
I gave the names of the two people in the team. The operator said that I
needed Information Technology and before I could say another word turned on the
music and I waited. I'm afraid after my
past experiences I couldn't resist counting how many rings it would take to get
through. I wrote down a number for each
ring. This is what Capita has driven me
to. The phone rang 44 times and then......
the line went dead.
2nd call.
The operator picked up after 7 rings and was called Sian or Shaun (by
this time I wanted names). I made my request. He said "OK". The line went dead.
3rd call.
Answered after 9 rings. The
operator, called Tasha, told me: "We haven't got an IT team specifically
for Councillors but I'll give you the direct line to the IT general line but
we're having problems with our lines at the moment so try in about half an hour
and you might get through." She gave
me the number 0208 359 3333. That number
was unfamiliar. I knew it wasn't the
number I usually rang but it might lead to a result so I'd try it.
4th call.
I rang straight away to see what would happen and received the message:
"You have dialed incorrectly, please try again", ie the Capita enigma
code for lines being overloaded or in this case "having problems",
and Capita was putting the blame on me!
Revelation. If they said all
lines were busy it would be their fault.
5th call.
I rang again a few minutes later.
This was a challenge and I needed IT support for goodness sake. I got
through to the recorded message of the "service desk" with options to
log a call, check on the status of an existing call, etc. I chose the first just to get through. I succeeded.
"Good morning, Barnet Service Desk". The phone went dead!!!!
6th call.
Worn down, desperate, angry, but not giving up, having wasted so much of
my precious time and unable to do my work on behalf of West Hendon residents
because of my IT problems, I waited for half an hour, busying myself to pass
the time, and rang the service desk again, a broken woman. The first option was answered by Peter. He knew what both he and I were talking
about!! There was, indeed, an IT support
line for Councillors. I knew I hadn't
made it up. I'd had to ring them often
enough! And as soon as he spoke the
number I recognized it and rejoiced.
But this experience of Capita's handling of our calls revealed that nothing
has been resolved since they first took over the running of the service and
they are failing us every day. Their
excuses are pathetic. Failures are
always blamed on a "temporary problem", but the problems began from
the very first day, all recorded on Twitter by those who didn't then realise
that the message: "This number is unrecognized" like " you have dialed
incorrectly" means that lines are overloaded and phones are not being
answered. And nothing has changed.
In his informed, excellent-as-ever blog
today that gives the clinical truth via no-nonsense statistics, Mr Reasonable
is right to highlight the lack of concern of Tory Councillor for Hendon Ward,
Anthony Finn, who is Chairman of the Performance and Contract Management
Committee that has the task of monitoring Capita's performance.
Cllr Finn did not want to put Capita's failures
regarding phone lines and IT on the Agenda of the first Performance and
Contract Management Committee meeting of this administration when everything
was already going horribly wrong claiming that it was not urgent. Finn had to be strongly persuaded by the Labour
lead on the committee, Cllr Geof Cook before he reluctantly agreed. Capita presented a report of feeble excuses
and Councillor Finn summed up with a big smile of satisfaction saying that he
was confident having been reassured by Capita that everything would be
"hunky dory" in two weeks' time.
That's what we're up against.
So I phoned the wonderfully correct number supplied by Peter,
was automatically diverted to a mobile, left a message for someone to get in
touch and wasn't called back that day! I learned the next day from a colleague
that there was someone temporary helping out and I managed to get the mobile
number of one of the two excellent permanent staff, who are thankfully left in place
following the Capita takeover and got everything sorted out within a day. I have that number now in my personal phone
and in several other places, and thank goodness have one less reason to ring a
Capita line.
If we were receiving a service like this as
individuals, we'd change our suppliers.
The Tories have irresponsibly, without caution, tied us and our money
into a 10-year contract.
Out of interest there is a generic message that
appears on Barnet (now Capita) officers' emails:
Local Government business is part of Capita plc, the UK's leading professional
and support services organisation. We
provide local authorities with specialist support covering revenues and
benefits administration, customer services, financial services, training, IT
and administration support. To find out more about our business and the full
range of services we offer, visit our website.... "
Tempting? My advice and that
of others who are now desperately trying and some succeeding to extricate
themselves from their Capita contracts is no-oooooooo, don't go there. I will of course be including this example in
my litany of complaints when I meet the Capita man in Coventry. He did, after all, tell me on his mobile that
my input would be "gold dust".
But as they are always claiming to be the experts, I shouldn't have to
tell them how to run a call centre. They
certainly don't need any tips on how to take as much of our money as
possible. Capita is fiddling while Barnet burns.
Coming soon to your nearest blog spot: The dangers of Capita's failures on residents' lives.
Friday, 7 November 2014
Capita 999: The extraordinary tale of a Barnet switchboard operator Part 2: What Capita Did Next
999: The extraordinary tale of a Barnet switchboard operator Part2:
What Capita did next....
What Capita did next....
There is something Capita can do
fantastically well. They can do
everything wrong and charge through the nose for it.
Good one. And it's our money!
Good one. And it's our money!
I'm getting back to you to report what Capita
did next following my call with the cackling London Borough of Barnet phone
operator, the call when I wanted to speak to Andrew Nathan, Head of Governance. As a reminder, or if you missed it, here is
my earlier blog with the details of THAT call:
Since then a complaint has been made on my
behalf by the now "acting up" Head of Governance and the result is
that Capita is sending me to Coventry, both me and Councillor Alan
Schneiderman, another Capita sufferer among many.
My complaint has taken on marathon
proportions; a box-ticking, over-egged, placating exercise. Dare I suggest that
this is because it was registered as a "Member Complaint". Would I
have received so much attention if I were not a Councillor, but instead one of the residents
who have endless trouble every day contacting Barnet Council by phone? It has
involved 7 Capita flunkies, a 'thorough' investigation after listening to a
recording of the call and action points to improve the service that put into
question the whole system. I have
received two direct emails from the Head of Service - Customer Services, and a
plethora of internal emails between Capita employees that were certainly not for my eyes but were
left on the bottom of the emails to me!
I'm just lucky, I guess. One from
Capita Local Government Head of Employee Engagement (the first person contacted
to deal with the complaint) to two others in Local Government Services with a
copy to another reads: "Hi both"...."not sure how it came to
me" and she continues that she's not sure of the "complaints
escalation process".
Capita Head of Service - Customer Services has
also offered to have a chat with me so he can understand what happened - they
have the recording for heaven's sake - and then comes the special treat, a trip
to Coventry to see how the call centre system works, though I think he works in
Southampton judging by his email address. But this turned out to be some time in
the future because no sooner was an offer of a chat made and I accepted by
email the same day then I received an out of office reply saying he was out of the office
for the next 17 days! I laughed out loud
or LOL in social media terminology to aid David Cameron if he is reading this.
But another message arrived from Capita
Head of Service - Customer Services with an apology later that afternoon before
he dropped off the planet for a while. He regretted my bad experience, claiming
Capita's aim is always to give an excellent level of service, adding "I
accept that the call did not reach the high standards we expect". His
answer recalls an episode of Faulty Towers when Basil taunts Sybil in the style
of Mastermind: "Sybil Faulty, Torquay, answering questions on the bleedi*g
obvious". The Capita man deduces: "In
short, what should have been a standard, quick switchboard transfer took far
too long and was handled badly by us".
Interesting, then, that now the Capita man
is back he phones me from a mobile and that is how I return his calls; an
admission perhaps on his part that I may never have got through to him if I had
rung his Council number. Barnet services are spread far and wide. ABB, Anywhere But Barnet. Imagine the embarrassment if the operator had
no idea who the Head of Service - Customer Service might be. "There's an acting up Head of Governance
or an interim Monitoring Officer, would they do? I can't know everyone."
I have decided to take up Capita's offer to
meet and chat and go to Coventry so I can raise all my complaints both as a
resident and a Councillor, of the unacceptable performance of the Barnet call
centre since the day Capita took over until today. From the start Capita cut the number of lines
by 25% which causes the whole service to regularly break down in overload, and
we are served by inadequately trained staff who have no idea who anyone is,
what they do or the services offered. And Capita's way of dealing with the failure
of services including IT and wages is to constantly claim that problems are temporary
glitches or teething problems that have either been resolved or are in hand and about to be resolved. If an issue can
be marked as resolved whether or not this is the case, then the same issue is
begun again as a new issue, the box is ticked and Capita are off the hook. I want to go to Coventry to see Capita operating
as Barnet far from Barnet.
But perhaps we shouldn't blame the switchboard for
the sins of their Capita fathers. Names
are dropping off the Barnet telephone list like flies: cutbacks, jobs going outside the Borough,
jobs going to the private sector, broken barnet, tinpot Barnet, a disfunctional,
discredited Barnet at risk under the regime of Richard Cornelius and his Tory cohorts.
This is not just a matter of a
badly-handled phone call. I will be
blogging about more Capita experiences in a series: Capita 999: Tales of the Expected
because Capita's greed and their dire standard of services are having ruinous effects on the Borough and on residents' lives.
My blog of 12 December 2012: "Why the
Barnet 10 chose Capita" names that small Conservative Cabinet who tied us
into the Capita Contract for 10 years against advice, without consultation, without considering an inhouse option and without
reading the contract that is skillfully worded to add to our costs rather than to make
As Yeats in "Easter 1916"
almost wrote:
Our part
To murmur name upon Tory name
To murmur name upon Tory name
All is changed, changed utterly
A terrible Barnet is born
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