Pensioners are hitting the front
pages as the government points its finger of fate at its next vulnerable victims.
They've had their fun with the disabled
and the jobless who have been suitably bullied and harassed for the time being,
and as IDS explained, are being "helped to move on". Now to well and truly turn the country against
the pensioners before doing the dirty on them.
Immediately after winning the vote
to take the Welfare Reform Bill to a second reading, the government insisted
that pensioners are protected against their proposed legislation. But by the late-night Sky Press Preview the
question was raised about who are the 'givers' and who are the 'takers' in our
society, a variation on the 'strivers' and 'scroungers' theme so beloved by the
government. Back in the Autumn, the coalition's allegedly 'caring' regulator Nick
Clegg may have hoped he could claw back a point or two in the opinion polls if
he came down hard on the universal nature of the pension system:
"I cannot stress enough that
what I mean is people, who are very wealthy indeed, receive off millions of
ordinary taxpayers across this country free bus passes, TV licences and winter
fuel support; even though they frankly don’t need it."
He cites Sir Alan Sugar and Peter
Stringfellow as examples of very-wealthy-indeeds who receive these benefits.
Somehow, even the
most avid supporters of universal benefits and of pensioners constantly fail to
mention that pensioners ARE
taxpayers. Whether they work or not they
pay tax at the same rate as everyone else. They pay tax on their pensions. They
have paid all their working lives towards their old age and towards the public
purse and they continue to do so. Only the poorest pensioners, like the poorest
wage earners, are exempt from tax, because they are below the tax threshold.
The richer the pensioners, the more tax they pay, and have paid, and the
"millions of ordinary taxpayers" of whom Clegg speaks include
millions of pensioners.
Pensioners do not automatically
"receive", for example, their bus passes, as Clegg wrongly claims. These have to be applied for, forms have to be
filled in and submitted. So when the likes of Matthew Paris and Polly Toynbee complain ad
nauseum about how ridiculous it is that they and other well-off pensioners
receive bus passes that they don't need, they can stop
fretting, because they need never apply. It is often mentioned with great
hilarity that the Queen is entitled to a bus pass, but there is a difference
between being entitled to one and actually applying for and using one. And
there are many pensioners, who, as they get older, are unable ever to use a bus
pass because of mobility problems which prevent them from travelling on public
transport. So many pensioners neither
have, nor use, nor are able to use a bus pass.
But even if the small number of
"very wealthy" pensioners did decide to apply, the passes and other pension
benefits are not "freebies" and "handouts" as The Sun
provocatively claims. Alan Sugar was quick
to point out to Clegg in disgust and not surprisingly, that he doesn't have a bus pass,
but "even if I did
have a bus pass, I’ve personally paid tens of millions in tax, my companies
hundreds of millions in the past 45 years." He and other rich pensioners are entitled to
one taking into account the contribution they have made and continue to make to
the Treasury. Though most of them wouldn't be seen dead with one, and pay their
fare if and when they travel by public transport.
Clegg also seems unaware that free
TV licenses are only available to the over-75s, and as Lord Sugar and Peter Stringfellow are 65 and 72 respectively, neither is eligible. Clegg should get his facts
right. The current average life expectancy of a male in the UK is 78 and a female 82 so this can be a very
short-term benefit, and even then only if you are lucky enough to live long
enough to receive it.
The majority of our current pensioners
are not wealthy. Far from it. They struggle to make ends meet as they
watch their benefits already being cut while their savings, if they have any,
dwindle away, accruing no interest of which to speak. Retail prices have risen
to unaffordable topped by increased VAT and the 'heating or eating' option is very real. Running a car
is pricing itself out of the market.
Dem, Paul Burstow, has proposed this week that the winter fuel allowance be means
tested. You might think this would be aimed at weeding out the richest or perhaps the ex-pats
living in hot climates, but that isn't the case. Burstow recommends that 3/4 of
all pensioners lose the allowance, that is all those who do not receive pension
credit. It would hit most
pensioners very hard at a time when energy bills are soaring.
government may advocate means testing when it comes to giving, but they have no
problem with it when it comes to taking. Every pensioner whatever their financial
situation was targeted in the 2011 Budget, when George Osborne decided to cut
the winter fuel allowance without notice from £250 to £200 for those aged
60-79, and from £400 to £300 for those 80 and over, cuts of a fifth and a
third. The cuts did not appear in the 100+ page Budget document and came as a
shock to pensioners, especially as it happened weeks after the big six power
firms hiked the price of gas and electricity and have continued to do so.
The proposed introduction in 2015 of
a flat rate pension of £140 for all new pensioners will disadvantage all existing
pensioners whose basic pension of £107.45 will fall substantially short even
with the expected annual increments. And it is not yet clear if the £140 is a cap amount or if it
will increase each year in line with inflation.
well as hitting current pensioners with cuts, savings are already in place for
the future before any further adjustments. By raising the age of retirement
incrementally from 60 and 65 for women and men respectively to 67 for everyone (and
it has been suggested that this could rise to 74) the government's commitment
to pensioners has been massively reduced.
We all know too well that steps must
be taken to fix the deficit which the government claims is the necessity for
benefit cuts. People are living longer
and are expected to continue to do so in the years to come. The pension system has to be
reviewed, and I'm not making a case for "very wealthy" pensioners, as
they really can look after themselves, though they do make a large contribution
to the Treasury, and at the same time as Nick Clegg woos the electorate with
promises of cutting universal benefits to the wealthy, his government has given
the richest a very generous, means-tested 5% tax cut while universally
abolishing tax relief for all pensioners over 65. But I am making a case for keeping the pension
benefits universal for existing pensioners, as they are self-regulating.
When it comes to a choice between
means testing or self-regulation, the latter might well be the most financially
and administratively sound way to go. Means
testing would be an expensive and an administrative nightmare and if outsourced millions of pounds would be diverted from the national
pension pot into private coffers. As we've seen with the ATOS work
capability assessment, Child Benefit, the Welfare Reform Bill, the winter fuel
allowance cuts, to name but a few, the government just can't be trusted with
the concept of 'fairness'. How would a "better-off
pensioner" be defined? If assets are taken into account to determine
wealth, which has been suggested, no home-owning pensioner would be eligible for
any benefits, however little money they have to spend each week. Given the
example of the government's pride and satisfaction with ATOS's target-driven assessments,
there is no reason to suppose that pensioners' means testing will not turn out
to be the same ruthless method of getting rid of as many dependents as possible
without a thought for the consequences.
And there is the wider picture. It
shouldn't be overlooked that pensioners support the economy free of charge.
They care for grandchildren to enable their children to work and pay tax. They
care for very elderly parents whose community care has been withdrawn or become
unaffordable. And many have the true "big society" ethic giving their
time to charities and communal projects. It is because they don't have jobs
that they can do all this, and of course, I must say it again as no-one else ever
does, they are tax payers. Pensioners are an undervalued asset.
lay in bed the other night tossing and turning. Hope that's not too much
information. I was angry. I fantasized about a new political party: The Grey
Party. The Green Party has only around 12,500 members in England and Wales. Statistics based on the 2011 census show that there are 9.2
million people in England and Wales of pensionable age. One in six people in
the UK are over 65. There are more people of pensionable age than there are
people under the age of 16. Many older people live alone and are not on line.
They do not generally have contact with social networks and so are unable to
express their views widely. But what older people do is vote. They are a
massive and powerful lobby. No
politician can afford to forget this. By all means let us find a better and
more sustainable way for the future, but stop persecuting today's pensioners at
the end of their lives. Look at the
numbers. It isn't worth it.